Hello and welcome

Mother and baby

Hi and welcome and thanks for stopping by and if your here it’s most likely because you’ve purchased one of my Tagging Gun packs from my eBay store.

Thank you for buying from me as there are a range of other eBay stores and sites where you could have bought a Tagging Gun from, so I appreciate it!

So if you’re after the free bonus e-books just scroll down and directly below you will see a post titled: “Free Bonus e-books” or alternatively you can just click on this link https://thepolkadotpetal.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/freegifts/

The bonuses are in the form of PDF files so please be aware that Adobe needs to be installed on your computer or device to view these e-books. Here is a link to the Adobe website http://get.adobe.com/reader/ and its free!. There may also be some systems requirements needed so please follow Adobe’s insrtuctions.

The below post is password protected which you should already have but if you need me to send it again, that’s not a problem just email me via my eBay account as I am more easily accessible.

On a final note regarding these free bonus e-books, the majority of these books are of an informative nature only and should be taken as such. Also I do not know any of the authors of these e-books and Im not affiliated with any of these e-books in any way shape or form. I bought these e-books on eBay and wanted to give them away as free gifts to my customers as a simple thank you.

So enjoy and once again thank you for purchasing my Tagging Gun pack from me and hopefully I’ll see you again.
